It is generally considered that chain will make wide development prospect especially in trade and investment fields 特别是商界和投资界一致看好连锁经营广阔的发展前景。
It is generally considered that taxes parable method follows cash basis , but tax effect accounting follows 一般认为,应付税款法遵循了收付实现制,而纳税影响法则遵循的是权责发生制。
It is generally considered that the elliptic curve cryptosystem will become the most important public - key cryptosystem in the 21th century 人们普遍认为,椭圆曲线密码体制将会成为21世纪最主要的公钥密码体制。
In manganite perovskites , substitution of divalent ions ( alkaline earth metals viz . ca , sr , ba ) in the a sublattice , introduces mn4 + ions or holes into the system . it is generally considered that the concentration of holes is equal to the concentration of divalent cations because of the charge compensation by controlled valencies 在类钙钛矿型晶体结构中通过掺入二价碱土金属(如ca , sr , ba )可以在系统中产生mn ~ ( 4 + )或氧空位,由价格补偿的原理,理论上掺入的二价离子的浓度和氧空位的浓度相等。